
Public Roadmaps With Jira

Jens Schumacher

Aug 9, 2024


minutes read


Sharing a roadmap is one of the best ways to keep your team, stakeholders, and customers aligned. It shows what’s coming, when it’s expected, and how everything fits together. But while creating a roadmap in Jira or Jira Product Discovery is straightforward, sharing it—especially a public version—can be a challenge.

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of sharing your Jira roadmap, the challenges people face today, and how Released makes it easier than ever to share your public roadmap directly from Jira.

Why Sharing Your Roadmap Matters

A public roadmap is more than just a plan—it’s a commitment. It gives your customers insight into what’s coming next and when they can expect it. This transparency builds trust, aligns expectations, and actively engages your customers.

But maintaining that transparency can be tricky, especially when your roadmap is spread across different tools or isn’t always up to date. This is why having a seamless way to share your roadmap directly from Jira is so valuable.

The Current Challenges with Sharing Jira Roadmaps

Jira is excellent for internal project management, but it wasn’t designed with external communication in mind. Because of this, many teams end up sharing their roadmaps using other tools. These can range from plain documentation and PowerPoint slides to third-party roadmap tools.

The problem? Keeping these versions in sync with your real Jira roadmap. As your plans evolve, updating multiple versions across different platforms becomes a tedious and error-prone process. This not only wastes time but also increases the risk of miscommunication with your stakeholders and customers.

How Released Makes Sharing Your Jira Roadmap Simple

Released Roadmaps solve these challenges by allowing you to share your public Jira roadmap quickly and easily. Here’s how:

Powerful View Filters

With Released, you can customize which tickets to show on your roadmap. Use the simple filter UI, or the powerful Jira Query Language (JQL) to filter any ideas and improvements you don't want to share.

Filters make it easy to keep that "Super secret project"… well… super secret.

Customizable Cards

Jira tickets contain a wealth of information that’s essential for planning but not always relevant to customers. With Released, you can customize exactly what fields are displayed in both the compact card view and the detailed issue view, ensuring your public roadmap remains simple and communicates the most important details.

Easy Sharing Options

Released enables you to share your roadmap in a variety of ways. Embed it in your website, app or via a portal (coming soon).

Automatic Updates

Once your roadmap is shared, it stays up to date automatically. Any changes made in Jira are reflected in real-time, so you don’t have to worry about manually updating different versions.

Security and Control

You decide who sees what. Control access by embedding your roadmap on secure pages or sharing it directly with specific groups. You can confidently share your plans without exposing sensitive information.


Sharing your Jira roadmap doesn’t have to be difficult. With Released, you can easily create a public roadmap that’s tailored to your audience and stays up to date without extra effort. Whether you’re sharing specific roadmaps with a few select customers, or make them available to everyone.

Ready to simplify your roadmap sharing process? Try Released today and experience the difference.

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